Primeval Wildlife Park
The Primeval Wildlife Park called "Urwildpark" constitutes the largest part of the Sababurg Animal Park in terms of area. Here, European animals or their reintroductions are kept in spacious, natural enclosures.
The largest enclosure is that of the Heck cattle, covering an area of 15 hectares. For comparison, the Frankfurt Zoo has a total area of 11 hectares.
In the Urwildpark area, modern zoo design elements were implemented 40 years ago, including sunken fences and the cohabitation of various animal species.
Bison or Heck cattle can be observed without any obstructive fences against the picturesque backdrop of Sababurg. Alongside deer and wild horses, these cattle graze in the shade of mighty old oaks.
Wolves, lynxes, wolverines, and otters can be observed in naturally designed enclosures. The animals can be particularly impressive during feeding sessions conducted by our animal keepers or tour guides.